Thanks to modern technology, creating your own Last Will and Testament or estate plan has become simpler than ever. A DIY estate plan refers to a plan you create without seeking guidance from a professional estate planning lawyer. These self-made plans typically involve drafting your own Will, downloading generic estate planning documents, or using a document generator with pre-set queries. Although these options may appear to save you time and money, they could actually leave your loved ones struggling to fulfill your final wishes.

The DIY Estate Plan Does Not Conform To the Laws
While online forms for creating your own estate plan may seem convenient, they often do not comply with state laws. This means that if you rely on a do-it-yourself plan, your future wishes may not be properly executed. It is important to ensure that any estate plan you create is up-to-date and legally compliant.
The DIY Estate Plan Can Contain Wrong or Incomplete Information
It is important to note that relying solely on an online questionnaire to create a Will or other plan does not guarantee accuracy or completeness. There is a chance that important information may be left out or that you may choose the wrong option, which could make it difficult to achieve your desired outcome.
The DIY Estate Plan Does Not Account for Changes in Your Life
Many individuals face problems with do-it-yourself estate plans because they often forget to update them based on changes in their lives, such as marriages, divorces, births, and deaths. This can lead to unintended consequences and hardships that were not part of the original plan.
However, when you work with an experienced estate planning attorney, these legal professionals can review your estate plan regularly, such as every few years or whenever significant life changes occur. This can ensure that your objectives are accurately aligned with your wishes.
The DIY Estate Plan Forgets To Account for All Your Assets and Things
When creating your Will, it is essential to consider all of your assets, including items like family heirlooms that may be easily overlooked, when going the DIY route.
However, working with a knowledgeable Florida estate planning lawyer can ensure that you thoroughly assess your possessions and create detailed instructions for distribution, which may not be offered by DIY programs. This way, you can ensure your wishes are carried out correctly, and your loved ones are provided for.
Contact The CYA Law Firm To Get Started On Your Estate Plan Today
While estate planning may appear to be a simpler and more affordable option, it can often result in serious problems. To avoid these issues, it is crucial to have the guidance of a skilled and committed estate planning lawyer.
If you are looking to create an estate plan or want further information regarding what these plans can mean for you, do not wait any longer to get the legal help you need. Contact The CYA Law Firm today to book a consultation with Attorney Adalbert “AL” Martinez.
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